Under CopyrightWittmann, FlorianFlorianWittmannLindner, RalfRalfLindnerHufnagl, MiriamMiriamHufnaglRoth, FlorianFlorianRoth2022-12-212022-12-212022https://publica.fraunhofer.de/handle/publica/429567https://doi.org/10.24406/publica-58710.24406/publica-587Missions promise to mobilize science, technology and innovation policy in conjunction with other sectoral policies to address pressing societal challenges. Although they aspire to solve the problems of humankind, the implementation of such transformative approaches remains a challenge to policymakers across the world: multi-dimensionality, a wide array of stakeholders, long-term horizons and a clear alignment of objectives make it difficult to set up and implement missions. To offer hands on advice to support mission owners such as ministries, public authorities and agencies, Fraunhofer ISI has developed an innovative toolbox for conceptualizing missions and assessing their impact.enMission-oriented innovation policyTransformationEvaluationImpact assessmentTransformative policyPolicy implementationMission-oriented innovation policy for transformative changeMissionsorientierte Innovationspolitik für transformativen Wandelreport