Kharboutli, SamirSamirKharboutliBretschneider, PeterPeterBretschneider2022-03-152022-03-152021 focus of the paper is the analysis of different methodologies for the evaluation of systemic aspects of buildings and districts. A distinction is made between the objectives of economy, ecology, system serviceability and resilience. For each sub-area, common quantification options are analysed and evaluated in order to present the research needs and further development possibilities with regard to a holistic evaluation. This intended evaluation will have to take different, possibly conflicting, criteria into account, for which a multi-cultural objective function is likely to be formulated in the case of the search for the optimal solution.enfurther developmentholistic evaluationsobjective functionoptimal solutionsresearch needssub-areassystemic assessment004670Analysis of methodologies for systemic assessment of buildings and districtsconference paper