Schmoch, UlrichUlrichSchmochBeckert, BerndBerndBeckertSchaper-Rinkel, PetraPetraSchaper-Rinkel2022-03-052022-03-052019 impact assessment of support programmes of science-based emerging technologies requires the analysis of several dimensions of performance, as these programmes refer to used-inspired basic research which is linked to basic research as well as to technological application. Bibliometric analysis proves to be a useful tool for capturing different aspects of performance. In the specific programme ""future emerging technologies"", interdisciplinarity turns out to be crucial for achieving excellent and creative outcomes. Furthermore, the orientation on risky projects yields some excellent results, but few failures.enimpact assessmentscience-based emerging technologymulti-dimensional impactimpact of interdisciplinarityimpact of risk-orientation303500600Impact assessment of a support programme of science-based emerging technologiesjournal article