Pereiaslavets, B.B.PereiaslavetsMartin, G.H.G.H.MartinEastman, L.F.L.F.EastmanYanka, R.W.R.W.YankaBallingall, J.M.J.M.BallingallBraunstein, J.J.BraunsteinBachem, K.H.K.H.BachemRidley, B.K.B.K.Ridley2022-03-032022-03-031997 have developed a new concept of narrow (50-80 A.U.) channel MODFET's. It is shown theoretically and experimentally that only the ground energy level is populated in the narrow-channel device. A new technique to measure mobility at the highest energies of the two-dimensional electron gas (2-DEG) was introduced. With the help of this technique it is shown that, in wide wells, electrons in the excited energy levels have low mobility and consequently degrade device performance. It is shown theoretically and experimentally that the narrow-channel device has a higher electron sheet density and mobility and consequently better performance than a conventional wide-channel MODFET. Excellent quality Ga(x)In(1-x)P/In(y)Ga(1-y)As/GaAs MODFET's with a pseudomorphic barrier and a pseudomorphic channel were grown by MBE and OMVPE. Higher than 3.4x10(exp12)cm(exp-2) electron sheet densities for single-side-doped MODFET's on GaAs substrate were measured. One-tenth micron gate length MODFET's achieve d integral of T over 100 GHz and integral max over 180 GHz. These results are comparable to the previously reported results for GaInP MODFET with graded barriers, however the device structure is much simpler.enelectron mobilityElektronenbeweglichkeitHEMTMOCVDMODFET621667Narrow-channel GaInP/InGaAs/GaAs MODFETs for high-frequency and power applicationsGaInP/InGaAs/GaAs MODFETs mit dünnen Kanälen für Hochfrequenzanwendungen und große Ausgangsleistungenjournal article