Under CopyrightHuertas, Diana C.Diana C.HuertasMerlo, LauraLauraMerloRung, SvenSvenRungFriedewald, MichaelMichaelFriedewaldBachlechner, DanielDanielBachlechnerAlfaro, AntonioAntonioAlfaroCastillo, ConradoConradoCastilloOlmedo, MichelMichelOlmedoMosqueda, Maria L.Maria L.MosquedaAbels, SvenSvenAbelsGabor, MarcelMarcelGaborHaut, LeonardoLeonardoHautDupont, AnthonyAnthonyDupontLaude, IdaIdaLaudeCusters, BartBartCustersUrsic, HelenaHelenaUrsic2022-12-142022-12-142015https://publica.fraunhofer.de/handle/publica/429992https://doi.org/10.24406/publica-63910.24406/publica-639D1.3 describes a set of five case studies relevant in the context of the EuDEco project. Case studies are considered relevant if they are initiatives focusing on the promotion of big data and data reuse or pilots facilitating data reuse in one form or the other. The case studies were expected to allow gaining a better understanding of the pitfalls and challenges related to big data and data reuse.enWP1 Mapping the scene - D1.3 Case study reportreport