Under CopyrightSalvi, AniketAniketSalviWeiß, GereonGereonWeißTrapp, MarioMarioTrappOboril, FabianFabianOborilBuerkle, CorneliusCorneliusBuerkle2022-11-082022-11-082022https://publica.fraunhofer.de/handle/publica/428428https://doi.org/10.24406/h-42842810.1109/ITSC55140.2022.992219210.24406/h-428428With further advancements of autonomous driving, also larger application scenarios will be addressed, so-called Operational Design Domains (ODDs). Autonomous vehicles will likely experience varying operating conditions in such broader ODDs. The implications of changing operating conditions on safety and required adaptation is, however, an open challenge. In our work, we exemplary investigate a vehicle following scenario passing through altering operating conditions and Responsibility Sensitive Safety (RSS) as formal model to define appropriate longitudinal following distances. We provide a deeper analysis of the influence of switching the safety model parameter values to adapt to new operating conditions. As our findings show that hard switches of operating conditions can lead to critical situations, we propose an approach for continuously adapting safety model parameters allowing for a safe and more comfortable transition. In our evaluation, we utilize driving simulations to compare the hard switching of parameters with our proposal of gradual adaptation. Our results highlight the implications of changing operating conditions on the driving safety. Moreover, we provide a solution to adapt the safety model parameters of an autonomous vehicle in such a way that safety model violations during transition can be avoided.enautonomous drivingautonomous vehicleOperational Design DomainOODsafetyresponsibility sensitive safetyRSSsafety modelruntime adaptationautomated vehicleAVSafety Implications of Runtime Adaptation to Changing Operating Conditionsconference paper