Pause, ValentinValentinPauseEmmerich, SebastianSebastianEmmerichSteidel, StefanStefanSteidelReinhard, RenéRenéReinhardKleer, MichaelMichaelKleerKleeberg, VeitVeitKleebergWeber, JohannesJohannesWeberZenner, TimoTimoZenner2023-06-022023-06-022022 simulator-based development has a great potential for product development in the automotive and commercial vehicle industry. In particular, test studies and validation steps can be performed during early development phases in a safe and reproducible simulator environment, leading to a decreasing need for real prototype building and testing. Furthermore, it enables engineers to explore features that would require major changes to the current machine generations. In this contribution we report about the simulator-based development of a stability assistance system for excavators. We show the complete toolchain from modeling over interactive simulator studies to a prototype environment and industrialization, closely following the exemplary case of a tip over warning assistant.enInteractive SimulationAssistance SystemTip Over Warning AssistantExcavatorDDC::500 Naturwissenschaften und MathematikSimulator-based development of a stability assistant for wheeled excavatorsconference paper