Frank, J.Gruber, L.Stöhrer, E.Wolz, G.Santl, H.H.Santl2022-03-072022-03-071993 main emphasis of the project was on the investigation of the fate and possible formation of polychlorinated dibenzofuranes (PCDF) and polychlorinated dibenzo-para-dioxins (PCDD) in the german pilp and paper industry. There were found no respectively very small amounts of PCDD/F in two pilot pulp mills using new pulp processes (ASAM- and Organocell process). In the paper production there was in general no formation of PCDD/F, this statement is also valid for the floatation deinking process of waste papers. There was no evaporation of PCDD/F in the dryer section of the paper machine. The main input of PCDD/F in the production of wastepaper-free papers is imported chlorine bleached kraft (sulphate) pulp.PCDD/F mass balances for paper mills producing wastepaper-containing paper and cardboard showed the wastepaper as the main input. In general it can be said that tetrachlorinated dioxins and furanes typical for chlorine bleaching are less important in wastepaper-containing products, the main contaminates are high chlorinated dioxins. It is noticeable that the waste paper used has a higher content than the comparable new paper. In a second part of the project a method for the identification of important compounds in the (A)OX-content of products, sludge and effluents of the pulp and paper industry was developed.deAOXcardboarddeinkinghalogen-organic compoundhalogen-organische VerbindungKartonpaper industrypaper mill effluentpaper mill sludgePapierfabrikabwasserPapierindustriePCDD/F mass balancePCDD/F MassenbilanzPolychlordibenzodioxinPolychlordibenzofuranpolychlorodibenzodioxinpolychlorodibenzofuranepulp industryrecycling paperRecyclingpapierZellstoffindustrie664688Untersuchung der Entstehung und des Verbleibs toxischer halogenorganischer Verbindungen in der Zellstoff- und Papierindustrie. Abschlußbericht Phase I. Tl.2Investigation on the formation and fate of toxic organochlorine substances in the pulp and paper industrystudy