Neugebauer, P.J.P.J.Neugebauer2022-03-092022-03-091995 use of CIM-systems ceramic inlays may be constructed, produced, and ground in dentistry applications. In this production process the geometry of the inlay has to be provided. Data from intra-oral 3D-sensors is necessary to support the dentist during the modeling of the inlay geometry. In this paper we present a new approach to limit the dentist's workload to the specification of characteristic points of the inlay in the modeling phase. The inlay geometry is reconstructed automatically using specialized edge tracing algorithms.enA*-algorithmbottom lineceramic inlaysCIM-techniquesdental imagingedge following detectionocclusal edgesrange imagesrestauration of tooth defectssearch treesegmetation006Interactive segmentation of dentistry range images in CIM-systems for the construction of ceramic inlays using edge tracingconference paper