Schieferdecker, P.P.Schieferdecker2022-03-082022-03-081981 Heinrich-Hertz-Institute in 1975 received the assignment to develop an experimental interactive broadband communication system for 10000 subscribers, called VBD (Vielteilnehmer-Breitband-Dialog system). Apart from more TV and radio programs, the subscriber has the opportunity to obtain interactively random-access information from a central computer. This information might be film and soundtracks (distributed by an individual broadband-channel) or, by a narrowband-channel, data for text or graphics displays. These data are used for the generation of the video-signal in the user terminal.encathode-ray tube displayscolour television picture tubescomputer graphicsinformation retrieval systemsinteractive terminalsvideo signalscolour displaysinteractive broadband communication systemcentral computergraphics displays621Possibilities of graphics on color displaysconference paper