Stammnitz, P.P.StammnitzGruneberg, K.K.Gruneberg2022-03-092022-03-091995 of the transport stream (TS) demultiplexing for the HDTVT demonstrator will be described. In this hierarchical transmission system, an HDTV program consists of seven elementary streams. In order to minimise interfaces, the task of TS demultiplexing is shared among a central DEMUX unit and the decoder boards. The DEMUX unit regenerates the system clock and evaluates program specific information.enclockshigh definition televisionmultiplexing equipmenttelevision equipmenthardware implementationtransport stream demultiplexerHDTVt demonstratortransport stream demultiplexinghierarchical transmission systemHDTV programts demultiplexingcentral demux unitdecoder boardssystem clock621Hardware implementation of the transport stream demultiplexer for the HDTVT demonstratorconference paper