Preiss, JensJensPreissFairchild, Mark D.Mark D.FairchildFerwerda, James A.James A.FerwerdaUrban, PhilippPhilippUrban2022-03-122022-03-122014 this paper, we present a novel approach of tone mapping as gamut mapping in a high-dynamic-range (HDR) color space. High- and low-dynamic-range (LDR) images as well as device gamut boundaries can simultaneously be represented within such a color space. This enables a unified transformation of the HDR image into the gamut of an output device (in this paper called HDR gamut mapping). An additional aim of this paper is to investigate the suitability of a specific HDR color space to serve as a working color space for the proposed HDR gamut mapping. For the HDR gamut mapping, we use a recent approach that iteratively minimizes an image-difference metric subject to in-gamut images. A psychophysical experiment on an HDR display shows that the standard reproduction workflow of two subsequent transformations - tone mapping and then gamut mapping - may be improved by HDR gamut mapping.enhigh dynamic rangegamut mappingimage qualitycolor spaceBusiness Field: Virtual engineeringBusiness Field: Visual decision supportResearch Line: Computer graphics (CG)Research Line: Computer vision (CV)Research Line: Modeling (MOD)006Gamut mapping in a high-dynamic-range color spaceconference paper