Armengaud, E.E.ArmengaudBonnet, S.S.BonnetDuffau, L.L.DuffauFenu, G.G.FenuGriessnig, G.G.GriessnigHein, C.C.HeinKeis, A.A.KeisKundner, I.I.KundnerLau, K.-K.K.-K.LauMalot, M.M.MalotÖrtel, M.M.ÖrtelPaganelli, F.F.PaganelliPantel, M.M.PantelPersson, M.M.PerssonPriggouris, N.N.PriggourisRajan, A.A.RajanRitter, T.T.RitterRossignol, A.A.RossignolSilva, A.A.SilvaTörngren, M.M.TörngrenVasaiely, P.P.VasaielyWahl, T.T.Wahl2022-03-042022-03-042013 embedded safety-critical system design and development industries are facing ever-increasing demands regarding the variety and flexibility of systems and devices from society. At a technical level, these demands result in more and more complex solutions that, at the same time, need to abide by stringent regulatory requirements and economic challenges, such as cost, performance and time to market.enIntroductionbook article