Ros, F. daF. daRosSackey, I.I.SackeyElschner, R.R.ElschnerRichter, T.T.RichterMeuer, C.C.MeuerNölle, M.M.NölleJazayerifar, M.M.JazayerifarPetermann, K.K.PetermannPeucheret, C.C.PeucheretSchubert, C.C.Schubert2022-03-122022-03-122014 Kerr nonlinearity mitigation is experimentally demonstrated using optical phase conjugation in the middle of an 800-km dispersion-compensated link for a 5-channel WDM 28-GBd PDM 16-QAM signal. A Q-factor improvement of 0.9 dB over no mitigation allows a BER<3.8×10-3.enKerr nonlinearity compensation in a 5×28-GBd PDM 16-QAM WDM system using fiber-based optical phase conjugationconference paper