Stortz, FelixFelixStortzWent, JoachimJoachimWentKoschikowski, JoachimJoachimKoschikowskiMaruf, Md Nasimul IslamMd Nasimul IslamMarufSchäfer, LotharLotharSchäferNeumann, FrankFrankNeumannLotz, BryanBryanLotzBeckett, MarcMarcBeckettHamann, MaikeMaikeHamann2023-05-022023-05-022022-04Note-ID: 000078B2 cases of crisis and disaster like the current Covid-19 pandemic, mobile, decentralized systems for providing medical services to the population can be a crucial addition to existing healthcare infrastructure. One of the challenges is to bring the technical solutions for containing the pandemic to bear under the economic and social constraints of developing and emerging countries through low-cost analysis and frugal innovation. In this paper an innovative self-sufficient mobile healthcare platform for different pickup vehicle models, which includes (i) a standalone and hybrid solar PV battery-based power system, (ii) a communication center for remote examination by telemedical services, (iii) a new cost-effective and reliable rapid tests for Coronavirus, but also other diseases, (iv) highly energy efficient refrigerators for medicine, vaccines, Coronavirus test equipment, etc., and (v) water treatment and purification technologies for the production of clean water is proposed.enPV off-grid systemCovid-19water treamentmobile medical caremobile healthcare platformSmart mobile vaccination pickup for sustainable improvement of medical care and smart pandemic control in Southern Africaconference paper