Lukcin, I.I.LukcinDuong, P.B.P.B.DuongDietmayer, K.K.DietmayerAli, S.U.S.U.AliKram, S.S.KramSeitz, J.J.SeitzFelber, W.W.Felber2022-03-152022-03-152020 based radio frequency (RF) positioning has to cope with challenging propagation conditions, like non-line of sight (NLoS), multipath, and sparse signal availability. The introduction of the fifthgeneration of mobile telecommunications technology (5G) with an improved Positioning Reference Signal (PRS) structure will be a key enabler for more reliable positioning solutions with increased availability and advanced signaling. Nevertheless, 5G-assisted positioning faces similar challenges. Therefore, to analyze the possibilities of 5G-assisted positioning, a suitable simulation environment is required. In this paper, a simulation environment based on a Ray Tracing (RT) channel model that emulates Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) signals is introduced, validated and extended to simulate 5G PRSs, and Sounding Reference Signals (SRSs). Additionally, the environment is applied for hybrid positioning by sensor data fusion with real-world recorded Global Positioning System (GPS) L1CA and Galileo E1BC GNSS signals under several severe conditions like strong building blockage and outdoor-indoor transition. It is shown that the simulation environment with various threedimensional (3D)-modeled objects represents 5G signals sufficiently well when the line of sight (LoS) is visible. Additionally, the simulated 5G signals improve the GNSS positioning accuracies when combined in a hybrid positioning approach, especially under complex channel conditions, like in typical industrial environments.en621006A combined ray tracing simulation environment for hybrid 5G and GNSS positioningconference paper