Hübner, S.S.HübnerStackelberg, B. vonB. vonStackelbergFuchs, T.T.Fuchs2022-03-112022-03-112010https://publica.fraunhofer.de/handle/publica/367233In the last few years thermographic testing methods gained much importance in the testing of composite materials such as carbon reinforced polymers (CFRP). In many cases the detectabiliy of defects like voids, cracks or debonding has been proofed. Up to now the quantitative analysis of these defects is limited. First approaches are done here by profilometric calculation for the depth, but lateral quantification is still difficult due to thermal diffusion. Herein we present a method, which allows to measure the dimensions and the depth of defects by combining thermography and X-ray testing.en621Multimodal Defect Quantificationconference paper