Mende, HendrikHendrikMendeKiroriwal, SakshamSakshamKiroriwalPfrommer, JuliusJuliusPfrommerSchmitt, Robert H.Robert H.SchmittBeyerer, JürgenJürgenBeyerer2023-12-072023-12-072023 learning has become a core part of smart factories and Industry 4.0. In our work, we extend the use of machine learning for quality prediction of a thin glass product formed using a Non-isothermal Glass Moulding (NGM) process. As the form shape of a glass lens requires multiple variables to describe, Multi-Target Regression (MTR) is suitable for the same. Many MTR models are able to provide intuitive insights into the prediction target(s). We present a data pipeline that employs bootstrapping-inspired sampling for robust feature selection, modelling and validation for small dataset. The results demonstrate how MTR models can be used for prediction with dataset with high dimensional time series input and multiple targets.enStratified SamplingSmall DatasetMachine LearningMulti-stage ProcessCentral Composite DesignMulti-target regression and cross-validation for non-isothermal glass molding experiments with small sample sizesconference paper