Klein, W.W.Klein2022-03-032022-03-031997https://publica.fraunhofer.de/handle/publica/191578On-farm burial of dead stock principally may lead to an exclusively local contamination of groundwater by nitrogen species and dissolved organic matter. This definitively is a local risk, the size of which, however, depends on the amounts of dead animals buried and the hydrogeological conditions of the site. Emission mitigation by rendering companies has resulted in emissions, which do not present a hazard to humans, animals and the environment. The valuable recycling products contain ubiquitous pollutants in minor concentration not resulting in a effective relevant risk. The role which recycling in rendering plays, as regards redispersion of pollutants and active ingredients, also is very low for the chemicals which have been assessed so far. The role of veterinary medicinal drugs, however, especially of antibiotics for the risk in the environment needs attention.deGesundheitsrisikoGrundwasserbelastungKreislaufwirtschaftRessourceneffizienzTierarneimittelrückstandTierkörpervergrabungTierkörperverwertungUmweltrisiko570610620660Von toten Tieren oder Tierprodukten ausgehende chemisch-physikalische Risiken für die Gesundheit von Menschen und Tieren und für die Umweltjournal article