Fortuin, StefanStefanFortuinHermann, MichaelMichaelHermannStryi-Hipp, GerhardGerhardStryi-HippNitz, PeterPeterNitzPlatzer, Werner J.Werner J.Platzer2022-03-1218.6.20142014 paper highlights research on aspects underlying PVT collector development, from which possible design concepts and development paths are determined. Test results from several performance improvements to PVT collector prototypes are presented, culminating in a thermal performance in open circuit mode which is similar to that of a good solar thermal collector. This collector prototype incorporates the required "fail-safe" stagnation protection feature. Remaining material and construction research and development needs are also indicated.enSolarthermie und OptikPhotovoltaische Module und KraftwerkeSolarthermieModulentwicklungBauwerksintegrierte Photovoltaikthermische SolaranlageGebrauchsdauer von Kollektoren und KomponentenWärmeübertragung und WärmetransportSolarthermische FassadenhybridPVTthermal performanceprotectionthermal collector insulationHybrid PV-thermal collector development: Concepts, experiences, results and research needsconference paper