Franke, K.K.FrankeRuiz del Solar, J.J.Ruiz del Solar2022-03-092022-03-092002, the computer-based validation of people's identities, is becoming more and more essential due to the increasing demand for high- security systems. A biometric system testifies to the authenticity of a specific physiological or behavioral characteristic possessed by a user. New requirements for actual biometric systems, such as robustness, higher recognition rates, tolerance against imprecision and uncertainty, and flexibility, call for the use of new computing technologies. In this context, soft computing is increasingly being used in the development of biometric applications. Soft-biometrics correspond to a new emerging paradigm that consists of the use of soft-computing technologies for the development of biometric applications. The aim of this paper is to motivate discussions on the application of soft-computing approaches in specific biometric measurements. The feasibility of soft computing as a tool-set for biometric applications should be investigated.ensoft biometricsoft computingcomputer-based identity validationhigh-security systemauthenticityphysiological characteristicbehavioral characteristicrobustnessrecognition rateimprecision toleranceuncertainty toleranceflexibilitybiometric measurement670400Soft-biometrics: Soft-computing technologies for biometric-applicationsconference paper