Hoppmann, V.V.HoppmannFiore, S. diS. diFioreZimmermann, S.S.ZimmermannEmans, N.N.EmansRademacher, T.T.RademacherFischer, R.R.FischerSchillberg, S.S.Schillberg2022-03-032022-03-032002https://publica.fraunhofer.de/handle/publica/20207010.1078/0176-1617-00762The chloroplast targeting transit sequence from potato granule bound starch synthase (gbss) was used to direct the accumulation of recombinant proteins to the plastid stroma. The potato gbss transit sequence was fused to the N-terminus of the green fluorescent protein (GFP) and the Catharanthus roseus strictosidine synthase (Str1) enzyme. Fluorescence microscopy confirmed that the recombinant gbss-GFP fusion protein was exclusively targeted to the plastid stroma in tobacco suspension cells, demonstrating that the transit sequence was functional in vivo. The Str1 fusion protein accumulated to high levels in plastids isolated from transgenic plants. We conclude that the potato gbss transit sequence is functional and directs import of recombinant proteins into the chloroplast stroma.enchloroplast transit sequencegreen fluorescent proteinrecombinant proteintargettransgenic plants570610620660571The potato granule bound starch synthase chloroplast transit peptide directs recombinant proteins to plastidsjournal article