Under CopyrightBellmann, JörgJörgBellmannLueg-Althoff, JörnJörnLueg-Althoff2022-03-1329.7.20162016https://publica.fraunhofer.de/handle/publica/39258710.24406/publica-fhg-392587Magnetic Pulse Welding (MPW) has a great potential for large-scale industrial production. It is a clean and fast joining technique favorable for the generation of strong atomic bonded areas between similar and dissimilar metals. For example, aluminum and steel can be welded without formation of critical intermetallic phases due to the high-speed collision and the absence of external heat. Since the weld quality depends on the material's behavior at the collision zone, surface layers in that region have to be taken into account as well. Welding tests were performed at two different pulse generators to join aluminum tubes to steel cylinders. On the inner steel part (C45) zinc, nickel and chrome were applied, while the aluminum flyer tubes (EN AW-6060) were anodized, chromated and acid passivated. As will be shown, the surface layer's properties influence the joint formation in MPW. The coatings are classified in three types depending on their brittleness and thickness and finally rated regarding the weldability. It is proved that brittle coatings at the inner part are detrimental for MPW. Thin and ductile layers do not change the weld formation, whereas thick and ductile coatings even improve the weld quality. This publication shows experimental results forMPW of tubular parts that were coated before the joining process with industrial appropriate surface layers e.g. zinc or nickel. By using the uncoated material combination as reference, the removal of surface layers due to jetting and global deformation is analyzed. Finally, the weld quality is characterized in peel tests, shear-push tests and with the help of metallographic analysis. For the application of MPW in large scale production it is important to take the properties of surface layers into account. Some coatings are unfavorable for the weld quality, whereas other layers support the process and enable downsizing of pulse generators and tool coils. Acknowledgements This work is based on the results of subproject A1 of the priority program 1640 (""joining by plastic deformation""); the authorsen621671Influence of selected coatings on the welding result during Magnetic Pulse Welding (MPW)Einfluss ausgewählter Bauteilbeschichtungen auf das Fügeergebnis beim elektromagnetischen Pulsfügenpresentation