Durall Lopez, RicardRicardDurall LopezGhanim, AmmarAmmarGhanimEttrich, NormanNormanEttrichKeuper, JanisJanisKeuper2024-01-182024-01-182023https://publica.fraunhofer.de/handle/publica/45900410.1190/geo2023-0146.1Seismic processing often involves suppressing multiples that are an inherent component of collected seismic data. Elaborate multiple prediction and subtraction schemes such as surface-related multiple removal have become standard in industry workflows. In cases of limited spatial sampling, low signal-to-noise ratio, or conservative subtraction of the predicted multiples, the processed data frequently suffer from residual multiples. To tackle these artifacts in the postmigration domain, practitioners often rely on Radon transform-based algorithms. However, such traditional approaches are both time-consuming and parameter dependent, making them relatively complex. In this work, we present a deep learning-based alternative that provides competitive results, while reducing the complexity of its usage, and, hence simplifying its applicability. Our proposed model demonstrates excellent performance when applied to complex field data, despite it being exclusively trained on synthetic data. Furthermore, extensive experiments show that our method can preserve the inherent characteristics of the data, avoiding undesired oversmoothed results, while removing the multiples from seismic offset or angle gathers. Finally, we conduct an in-depth analysis of the model, where we pinpoint the effects of the main hyperparameters on real data inference, and we probabilistically assess its performance from a Bayesian perspective. In this study, we put particular emphasis on helping the user reveal the inner workings of the neural network and attempt to unbox the model.enartificial intelligencemultiplesDDC::500 Naturwissenschaften und MathematikAn in-depth study of U-net for seismic data conditioning: Multiple removal by moveout discriminationjournal article