Göbel, S.Rasel, T.T.Rasel2002https://publica.fraunhofer.de/handle/publica/274808Nowadays, the amount of geodata takes 80-85% relating to all new data produced in our information society. In order to structure all of these geodata it is necessary to find appropriate methods and concepts as well as technical infrastructures. Based on a semantic network for geodata conceptualized by Dr. Göbel, the focus of this thesis has been the development of a metaphor-based 3D information and navigation environment to access the multi-faced semantic network and to find appropriate geodata. As primary metaphor, a 3D library for geodata has been established. Here, books are used as metaphors to represent datasets. Bookshelves, floors and levels are used to structure the library in a semantic way. This semantic, content-related structure is based on the 20 ISO theme codes (ISO 19115: Geographic information From the technical point of view, the conception of a search and navigation system for geodata has been the central point of this work. The navigation system enables users of most categories (age, usage, etc) to find their way through the 3D-world by using specific navigational elements. The elements implemented are classified in two different types: First, the user-only type in which the user has full control over his movements inside the world and where he only gets navigational aids by a small map of the world in which his current position will be displayed. He can also enable markers for the way which he can follow to find the desired target point. Second, the system-type. Here the user only chooses the target of where he wants to get. The system automatically moves the user to his chosen position by displaying the walked way in an automatic camera movement. From the structured geodata and the navigation system, a combination of both was generated to build the search and navigation system for geodata using books as metaphors for datasets. A user can search for a geodata or metadata and can get into the archive using this system. With those elements, a user can automatically be brought to the book in the archive to search adjacent themes in the shelf.degeodata librarymetadata information system3D geographic metadataMetapher006Entwicklung von Methoden und Konzepten für den Aufbau einer 3D-Geodatenbibliothekdiploma thesis