CC BY 4.0Bläsi, BenediktBenediktBläsiKroyer, ThomasThomasKroyerKuhn, Tilmann E.Tilmann E.KuhnHöhn, OliverOliverHöhn2022-03-065.10.20212021 introduce a photonic color concept for integrated photovoltaic modules. Taking up the inspiration from the Morpho butterfly with its brightly colored wings, we developed this photonic concept further to achieve an improved angular independent color effect, suitability for module integration, and compatibility with industrial production processes, while maintaining high module efficiencies. We demonstrate the steps that lead to the optimized photonic structure and explain the underlying optical effects. Using the data from demonstrator modules, we show the outstanding performance in terms of module efficiency and color stability. A power output for the MorphoColor modules of more than 94% compared to the reference module power is shown.enPhotovoltaikbiomimeticsbuilding-integrated photovoltaics (bipv)color filtercolourPhotonic Structurephoton managementPV moduleenergieeffizientes GebäudePhotovoltaische Module und KraftwerkeGebäudehülleIntegrierte Photovoltaik621697The MorphoColor Concept for Colored Photovoltaic Modulesjournal article