Constantinescu, C.C.ConstantinescuHeinkel, U.U.HeinkelMitschang, B.B.MitschangWestkämper, E.E.Westkämper2022-03-102022-03-102004 adressed problem - data integration - reflects the growing importance of integration in general, and data integration in praticular, as a driving force of increasing the agility and transformability of the manufacturing enterprise. The paper provides a set of feasible strategies for the challenge facing data integration solutions in order to suppert the today´s enterprises to be transformable and to stay competitive. It proposes the Stuttgart Integration Platfrom as a generic integartion architecture based on the state-of-the-art solutions in the field of data change propagation and digital manufacturing systems.enStuttgarter Modelldigital enterpriseintegration platformdigital manufacturingDatenintegrationFertigungssystemDatenverarbeitung670Towards an integration platform for the digital enterprise: Stuttgart integration architectureconference paper