Cuhls, KerstinKerstinCuhlsKolz, HeinzHeinzKolzHadnagy, Christoph M.Christoph M.Hadnagy2022-03-042022-03-042012 article describes a foresight process that addresses social change and its impacts. Future Radar 2030 is a Foresight process, in which tools from foresight are applied in order to work out scenarios and perform a survey. In combination with future workshops, the foresight process and its results have a direct impact on the stakeholders of a German federal state. It therefore has implications for society in general, but also on the innovation system. The article describes the background (demographic change) and the tools from forecasting and foresight that were combined to work out relevant issues. It argues that even a 'small' regional foresight activity has an impact and changes some path of thinking.enforesightscenariosfuture initiativedemographic changeregional competitiveness303600351A regional foresight process to cope with demographic changeZukunftsradar 2030journal article