Fuchs-Kittowski, F.F.Fuchs-KittowskiFuchs-Kittowski, K.K.Fuchs-Kittowski2022-03-092022-03-092001https://publica.fraunhofer.de/handle/publica/337903This paper discusses the requirements that are necessary to make the organisational potentials of modern information and communication technology usable for the development of creative learning enterprises. It is shown that knowledge-intensive processes require new cooperative, self-organising forms for work, organisation and learning that support creativity and can be supported by information and communication systems (in particular telecooperation systems). We discuss results of our empirical research regarding the use of the organisational potentials and ambivalent effects of the use of these technologies. Consequences and criteria for the evaluation of work and organisations are also discussed.enlearning organizationtele-cooperationknowledge creation004Knowledge-intensive work processes for creative learning organisationsWissensintensive Arbeitsprozesse für kreativ-lernende Organisationenconference paper