Reichherzer, AnnaAnnaReichherzerNorrefeldt, VictorVictorNorrefeldtHerbig, BrittaBrittaHerbigYu, SongSongYuEuhus, AenneAenneEuhusMüller, BenjaminBenjaminMüllerVink, PeterPeterVinkMay, AdrianAdrianMayBellmann, MichaelMichaelBellmannMansfield, NeilNeilMansfield2024-06-172024-06-172024 aircraft should be improved as they are more environmentally friendly aircraft compared to turbojet aircraft but noise and vibration are often too high for passengers. A simple and uncomplicated way to carry out experiments is using a demonstrator. To determine whether the demonstrator represents the reality, it must be validated. In this project, real flights were first conducted in a turboprop aircraft. During two 70-minute flights, 94 subjects answered questions about symptoms, mood or comfort levels related to noise and vibration, among other things. In the next step, investigations will be carried out in the demonstrator under the same conditions as the real flights. Both results will be compared with each other. If the data from the demonstrator corresponds to that of the real flights, the demonstrator is considered to have been successfully validated. The requirement for this is that the demonstrator data lies within the confidence intervals of the results from the real flights. The aim is to validate a full-scale on-ground demonstrator of a regional turboprop aircraft cabin that will be used for multiple tests like subject tests and comfort evaluation, composite materials and structures, systems and energy consumption.enValidation of a turboprop cabin demonstratorjournal article