Steen, AlexanderAlexanderSteenFuenmayor, DavidDavidFuenmayorGleißner, TobiasTobiasGleißnerSutcliffe, GeoffGeoffSutcliffeBenzmüller, ChristophChristophBenzmüller2022-09-282022-09-282022 logics are used in a wide spectrum of disciplines, including artificial intelligence, computer science, mathematics, and philosophy. The de-facto standard infrastructure for automated theorem proving, the TPTP World, currently supports only classical logics. Similar standards for non-classical logic reasoning do not exist (yet). This hampers practical development of reasoning systems, and limits their interoperability and application. This paper describes the latest extension of the TPTP World, which provides languages and infrastructure for reasoning in non-classical logics. The extensions integrate seamlessly with the existing TPTP World.enTPTP Worldnon-classical logicsautomated reasoningDDC::000 Informatik, Informationswissenschaft, allgemeine Werke::000 Informatik, Wissen, Systeme::006 Spezielle ComputerverfahrenAutomated reasoning in non-classical logics in the TPTP worldpaper