Mahajan, AkshayAkshayMahajanStickan, BenjaminBenjaminStickanSalman, AmmarAmmarSalmanGasser, CorentinCorentinGasserKulenkampff, FelixFelixKulenkampffSinger, RolandRolandSingerRogalla, SönkeSönkeRogallaSchaupp, ThomasThomasSchauppSchoell, ChristianChristianSchoellLindner, MarcoMarcoLindnerRollkowski, TimmTimmRollkowski2023-06-062023-06-062022Note-ID: 00009642 stability of future power grids significantly depends on the behavior of Inverter-Based Resources (IBR) such as wind or PV power plants, HVDC, STATCOMS or large battery storage systems. IBR can produce extremely high dynamic behavior depending on the control software. Hence, Transmission Systems Operators (TSOs) face the challenge to get appropriate simulation models for IBRs, which allows impact analysis of the IBRs on power system stability. The authors have investigated two different methods of modelling the dynamic behavior of the converters. The idea was to setup and evaluate Electromagnetic Transient (EMT) simulation processes that contain a standard interface following the ‘ENTSO-E: Standardized control interface for HVDC SIL/HIL conformity tests’, which allows integration of original control structures of the converter to be analyzed. Thus, the results represent an important milestone towards universal standard interfaces for vendor- and software-independent simulations and tests of inverter-based systems.envendor-independent standard interfaceinverter-based resourcessoftware in the loophardware in the loopelectromagnetic transientsEMT Modelling of Inverter-Based Resources for Grid Stability Analysis Using Vendor-Independent Interfacesconference paper