Kaufmann, H.H.Kaufmann2022-03-072022-03-071995https://publica.fraunhofer.de/handle/publica/288138The paper presents the fatigue strength of forged steels with the fatigue strength of graphite cast iron in notched condition. The influence of different post treatments like cold rolling and induction hardening on the fatigue behavior is compared. While induction hardening renders better fatigue properties for steels than for cast materials, cold rolling results for cast iron a better behavior then for steel.decast ironcold rollingfatigue strengthFestwalzeforging partGußeiseninduction hardeningInduktionshärteKugelgraphitmalleable cast ironSchmiedestückSchwingfestigkeitspheroidal graphiteStahlsteelTemperguß620Schwingfestigkeit von Schmiedestahl und höherfesten Eisen-Graphit-Gußwerkstoffen im gekerbten ZustandFatigue strength of forged steel and high-strength graphitic cast iron materials in notched statebook