Wenge, C.C.WengeKomarnicki, P.P.KomarnickiStyczynski, Z.A.Z.A.Styczynski2022-03-112022-03-112010https://publica.fraunhofer.de/handle/publica/370102In this paper the communication structure for V2G (vehicle-to-grid) technology is introduced. Further, a technical solution is shown for the communication path between EV (electric vehicle) and charging point based on the power plug standard IEC 62196-2. For efficient data exchange a communication protocol is proposed. In a laboratory setup the functionality of an electronic unit, protocol and software application is demonstrated and a functional solution of the data exchange system is created. Finally some recommendations for the future works have been pointed out.en670Models and boundaries of data exchange between electric-vehicle and charging-point. Example of a practical realisationconference paper