Rey-de-Pedraza, V.V.Rey-de-PedrazaRuiz-Ripoll, Maria LuisaMaria LuisaRuiz-RipollRoller, ChristophChristophRollerCendón, D. A.D. A.CendónGálvez, F.F.Gálvez2022-03-062022-03-062022 the present work, two different approaches for obtaining dynamic fracture properties of concrete are analyzed. Spalling tests over cylindrical samples using a modified Hopkinson Bar were carried to measure the tensile strength and the fracture energy of conventional concrete. Results for strain rates ranging from 60 to 130 s are presented for both techniques and compared to the respective quasi-static values. Moreover, two different projectile shapes (cylindrical and conical) have also been evaluated. In this sense, a deep qualitative and quantitative analysis is also performed, regarding the variations in tensile stress evolution of the pulses. Validation of both methodologies is achieved by comparing the obtained results.enspallingconcretedynamic testingtensile strengthHopkinson Bar620Validation of two different analysis techniques to obtain dynamic mechanical properties of concrete using a modified Hopkinson Barjournal article