Stoja, EndriEndriStojaPhilipp, DennisDennisPhilippKonstandin, SimonSimonKonstandinJenne, Jürgen WalterJürgen WalterJenneBertuch, ThomasThomasBertuchGünther, MatthiasMatthiasGünther2023-09-062023-09-062023 this work, we present novel designs and concepts to enable new imaging paradigms in the field of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) by means of reconfigurable electromagnetic metasurfaces. Some of the challenges as well as approaches to overcome them are outlined. Our preliminary investigations show that dynamical, electronically-controlled, digital metasurfaces possess a huge potential to allow for manifold applications in MRI. Spatio-temporal recon-figurability, demonstrated here via the inclusion of low-power BLE microcontrollers and digital capacitors, is the key for all future applications in this field.enfocussingmagnetic resonance imagingmetamaterialsnear-field shapingreconfigurable metasurfacesReconfigurable Metasurfaces and new Imaging Paradigms in Magnetic Resonance Imagingconference paper