Meinlschmidt, P.P.MeinlschmidtSembach, J.J.Sembach2022-03-082022-03-082004 Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zum beruehrungslosen Detektieren von Struktur- und/oder Oberflaechenfehlern grossflaechiger Koerper, insbesondere plattenfoermiger Materialien (nachfolgend "Pruefkoerper"). Zur schnellen beruehrungslosen und zerstoerungsfreien Detektierung wird erfindungsgemaess vorgeschlagen, dass ueber eine Waermequelle in die Oberflaeche des relativ zur Waermequelle kontinuierlich bewegten Pruefkoerpers fortlaufend bereichsweise Waermeenergie eingebracht wird, und dass anschliessend von der zuvor erwaermten Oberflaeche des Pruefkoerpers fortlaufend zeilenweise ein Waermebild oder bis zu n-Waermebilder aufgenommen werden.WO 200022423 A UPAB: 20000617 NOVELTY - A stationary thermographic camera (5) is arranged above the conveyor plane, downstream of the heat source, and at least one line of the camera is arranged transverse to the conveying direction. A computer (7) connected to the camera generates a separate thermal image for each line of the camera. DETAILED DESCRIPTION - The device includes a conveyor (1) with a stationary region (3) where the test piece is not supported. A linear or strip-shaped heat source (4) is provided above the conveyor plane, transverse to the conveying direction. A stationary thermographic camera (5) is arranged above the conveyor plane, downstream of the heat source, and at least one line of the camera is arranged transverse to the conveying direction. A computer (7) connected to the camera generates a separate thermal image for each line of the camera. USE - The device is used for inspecting chipboard or particle board. ADVANTAGE - The device allows non-destructive high-speed detection of defects in the surface of large boards, as well as to a depth of several centimeters.de608674Verfahren zum Detektieren grossflaechiger Koerper und thermographisches InspektionsgeraetInspection device for contactless detection of structures or surface flaws in plate-shaped test piece using thermographic camera to monitor test piece heated by linear heat source.patent1998-19846995