Kranzusch, P.P.KranzuschKrüger, M.M.KrügerMeyer, B.T.B.T.MeyerHuber, R.R.HuberKollmeier, BirgerBirgerKollmeier2022-03-142022-03-142018 effort of listening to spoken language is a highly important perceptive measure for the design of speech enhancement algorithms and hearing-aid processing. In previous research, we proposed a model that quantifies the phoneme output probabilities obtained from a deep neural net (DNN), which resulted in accurate predictions for unseen speech samples. However, high correlations between subjective ratings and model output were observed in known noise types, which is an unrealistic assumption in real-life scenarios. This paper explores non-intrusive listening effort prediction in unseen noisy environments. A set of different noise types are used for training a standard automatic speech recognition (ASR) system. Model predictions are produced by measuring the mean temporal distance of phoneme vectors from the DNN and compared to subjective ratings of hearing-impaired and normal-hearing listener responses group in three databases that cover a variety of noise types and signal enhancement algorithms. We obtain an average correlation of 0.88 and outperform three baseline measures in most conditions.en621006Prediction of subjective listening effort from acoustic data with non-intrusive deep modelsconference paper