Burmeister, Hans-ChristophHans-ChristophBurmeisterWalther, LauraLauraWaltherJahn, CarlosCarlosJahnTöter, SvenjaSvenjaTöterFroese, JensJensFroese2022-03-042022-03-042014https://publica.fraunhofer.de/handle/publica/235717This paper proposes a collision model for ships underway and temporary objects as an extension to state-of-the-art maritime risk assessment like IALA iWrap MkII. It gives a brief review of frequency modeling's and consequence calculation theory as well as its applications, before it analogously derives a model to assess the risk of anchorage areas. Subsequently, its benefit is demonstrated by an example scenario.enanchoragecollision riskcollision scenarioIALA iWraprisk assessmentship at anchorIALA methodologycollision situationAssessing the frequency and material consequences of collisions with vessels lying at an anchorage in line with IALA iWrap MkIIjournal article