CC BY 4.0Will, TorstenTorstenWillSchnabel, LenaLenaSchnabelKöhler, JürgenJürgenKöhler2023-06-052023-06-052023Note-ID: 00007926 thermography of brazed plate heat exchangers for evaporators and condensers recently was used to quantify maldistribution. With the knowledge of the secondary fluids heat transfer coefficient and a given secondary fluids distribution, the local heat transfer coefficient of the primary fluid (refrigerant) and its distribution to the channels can be calculated. A sensitivity analysis shows ± 10 % difference of the surface temperature to the wall center temperature at the expected ratios of heat transfer coefficients. The method is presented in this paper using an exemplary infrared picture.enBrazed Plate Heat Exchangercondensationevaporationheat transfer coefficientinfrared thermographyDetailed Thermal Evaluation of Brazed Plate Heat Exchanger Using Infrared Thermographyjournal article