Richter, T.T.RichterSchmidt-Langhorst, C.C.Schmidt-LanghorstElschner, R.R.ElschnerKato, T.T.KatoWatanabe, S.S.WatanabeSchubert, C.C.Schubert2022-03-122022-03-122014 generate an ultra-dense 400-Gb/s superchannel by combining four spatially distributed 28-GBd-Nyquist-16QAM-sub-carrier transmitters using optical processing in nonlinear fibers. The multiplexed sub-carriers are precisely frequency-allocated with guard bands down to 0% and achieve bit-error ratios below 3.8×10-3.enDistributed generation of a 400-Gb/s nyquist 16QAM dense superchannel by fiber-frequency conversionconference paper