Under CopyrightMaurer, ChristophChristophMaurerRist, TimTimRistKuhn, TilmannTilmannKuhnShi, MeilingMeilingShiHuyeng, Tim-JonathanTim-JonathanHuyengHoffmann, AndréAndréHoffmannThiele, Christian-DominikChristian-DominikThieleRüppel, UweUweRüppelSprenger, WendelinWendelinSprenger2022-05-0629.3.20222022https://publica.fraunhofer.de/handle/publica/41683610.24406/publica-fhg-416836The aim of project SCOPE is to support and facilitate the planning and operation of energy-efficient buildings through digital processes with a focus on the building envelope. The project consortium has developed a methodology that automatically prepares product data so that planners no longer have to fill it in software applications manually. Instead, software applications can directly access the product data through programming interfaces. For the construction project data, a project server was developed that allows product data to be read, processed and to be combined with project information in a way that exactly the amount of building geometry and product description is provided that is required to execute the corresponding process step. In the project, the proposed methodology was successfully implemented as prototypes. Based on the results from project SCOPE, software companies can extend their applications so that software users can get exactly the amount of data that is required in the planning process.deWasserstofftechnologieApplication Programming Interface (API)Building Information Modeling (BIM)product datasolar architecturesolar building envelopesPhotovoltaikSolarthermische Kraftwerke und Industrieprozesseenergieeffizientes GebäudeAkkreditierte LaborsPhotovoltaische Module und KraftwerkeGebäudehülleBetriebsführung von GebäudenNiedertemperatur-SolarthermieTestLab Solar FaçadesIntegrierte Photovoltaik621697Softwareunabhängig-verlustfreie Projektdatenumgebung und föderal-selbstbeschreibende parametrische Modellierung multifunktionaler Bauprodukte auf Basis des Semantic Web mit Fokus auf die Gebäudehülle. Schlussberichtreport