Müller, B.C.B.C.MüllerNguyen, T.D.T.D.NguyenDang, Q.-V.Q.-V.DangDuc, B.M.B.M.DucSeliger, G.G.SeligerKrüger, J.J.KrügerKohl, H.H.Kohl2022-03-062022-03-062016https://publica.fraunhofer.de/handle/publica/26256010.1016/j.procir.2016.04.117In cooperation between a German and a Vietnamese manufacturing laboratory, activities of training for assembly are performed by support of motion tracking at similar workplaces. The assembly of bicycle e-hubs is trained with Vietnamese students to check the transfer of assembly process knowledge between distant countries. The experimental set-up consists of the remote ""teach-in"" of assembly instructions, motion tracking on workplaces and the evaluation of student's performance. The applicability of motion tracking vs. traditional paper based instructions for initial learning is investigated.en658670Motion Tracking Applied in Assembly for Worker Training in different Locationsjournal article