Castro, CarlosCarlosCastroElschner, RobertRobertElschnerMachado, JoséJoséMachadoMerkle, ThomasThomasMerkleSchubert, ColjaColjaSchubertFreund, RonaldRonaldFreund2022-03-142022-03-142019 this paper, we evaluate the transmission performance of a real-time 100 Gb/s digital-coherent THz wireless link, operating on a 300-GHz carrier over a LoS distance of 0.5 m in a 2x2 MIMO configuration. Using a 100 Gb/s Ethernet traffic generator, we evaluate throughput, frame losses and latency for different frame sizes and payloads. The link shows a stable long-term performance as reported by pre-FEC BER measurements taken from the real-time modem's DSP over a period of 96 hours.enreal-time systemsTHz communicationswireless communication621667Ethernet transmission over a 100 Gb/s real-time terahertz wireless linkconference paper