Heidrich, H.H.Heidrich2022-03-032022-03-031994https://publica.fraunhofer.de/handle/publica/185546For implementation of the photonic networks needed to handle the future growth of data traffic, monolithic optoelectronic integrated circuits are a final solution from both economic and technological points of view. With the first realisation of a complete superheterodyne receiver on a chip, the author's Institute shows that InP integration technology has attained a status which allows manufacture of complex OEICs.deiii-v semiconductorsindium compoundsintegrated circuit technologyintegrated optoelectronicsmonolithic integrated circuitsoptical receiverssuperheterodyne receiverstechnological forecastingphotonic networksfuturemonolithic optoelectronic integrated circuitssuperheterodyne receiverchipintegration technologycomplex oeicsinp621OEIC on indium phosphide: key components for future photonic networksjournal article