Under CopyrightBreitschopf, BarbaraBarbaraBreitschopfNathani, CarstenCarstenNathaniResch, GustavGustavResch2022-03-0723.3.20122011https://publica.fraunhofer.de/handle/publica/29565210.24406/publica-fhg-295652The importance of renewable energy in energy systems is increasing at an impressive rate, and the expectation is that this tendency will continue in the longer term. As a consequence, there is a strong need for reliable insight into the employment benefits from renewable energy. The current knowledge on the economic impacts of large-scale deployment of renewable energy technologies is more or less derived on an ad hoc basis and consists of a variety of different methodologies with different objectives. This is why the International Energy Agency's Implementing Agreement on Renewable Energy Technology Deployment (IEA-RETD) would like to facilitate a more structural approach, which will contribute to reliable and consistent insights of employment effects from deployment of renewable energy technologies. The objectives of the EMPLOY-EID project are to: Provide guidelines based on a thorough review of best practices, which are able to contribute to a consistent, reliable framework in which to measure employment effects from renewable energy deployment and which can be replicated from one country to another; Identify data sources and/or inputs required in application of such guidelines; Provide better understanding of key parameters and mechanisms that determine contribution of renewable energy employment; Assess availability of sources for employment benefit data for all RETD member countries as well as other interesting countries; Provide concrete gross employment benefit data to countries where data is available through application of the guidelines and best practices; Document the economic effects of renewable energy deployment through a publishable brochure of the main project results, presentations, the guidelines and background report. This project will help achieve the IEA-RETD's objective to "empowering policy makers and energy market actors through the provision of information, tools and resources" by underlining the economic and industrial impacts of renewable energy technology deployment and providing reliable methodological approaches for employment - similar to those available for the incumbent energy technologies.en303600Economic and industrial development. EID - EMPLOY. Final Report Task 1: Review of approaches for employment impact assessment of renewable energy deploymentreport