Andriopoulou, FoteiniFoteiniAndriopoulouPolitis, IliasIliasPolitisLykourgiotis, AsimakisAsimakisLykourgiotisDagiuklas, TasosTasosDagiuklasSerras, DionisiosDionisiosSerrasRebahi, YacineYacineRebahi2022-03-132022-03-132015 an emergency situation disabled people face many obstacles to access the emergency systems since they fail to support IP-based services and do not take into account their accessibility requirements. This paper describes the key elements of the EMYNOS platform which is a Next Generation emergency platform that aims to provide IP based emergency services and integrate information provided by the social media, user's profile and contextual information in order to provide personalized emergency services and real time communication. To achieve this, tactile and pressure feedback from haptic devices as well as real time communication audio-video, text-video and voice-video calls will be initiated through the browser-to-browser web real time communication (WebRTC) technology. In addition, WebRTC technology will be used as a backup platform in case the default infrastructure collapses.en004EMYNOS: A next generation emergency communication platform for people with disabilitiesconference paper