Under CopyrightErdmann, LorenzLorenzErdmannEckartz, KatharinaKatharinaEckartzMoller, BjörnBjörnMollerTercero Espinoza, Luis A.Luis A.Tercero EspinozaTeufel, BenjaminBenjaminTeufelFuchs, MaureenMaureenFuchsMachacek, ErikaErikaMachacekThorsøe, KisserKisserThorsøePetavratzi, EviEviPetavratziBrown, TeresaTeresaBrownVoet, Ester van derEster van derVoetFalck, EberhardEberhardFalckBisevac, VanjaVanjaBisevacHofmeister, TobiasTobiasHofmeisterQuental, LídiaLídiaQuentalKatalin, SáriSáriKatalinRadwanek-Bak, BarbaraBarbaraRadwanek-BakArnbom, Jan-OlofJan-OlofArnbom2022-03-073.5.20172016https://publica.fraunhofer.de/handle/publica/29839810.24406/publica-fhg-298398Deliverable D2.1 of the Mineral Capacity Intelligence Analysis (MICA) project documents the stakeholder landscape related to raw material intelligence. The main purpose is to provide a comprehensive inventory of relevant stakeholders to prepare for a systematic appraisal of stakeholder needs and to inform other Work Packages of the MICA project. The aim and ambition of the MICA project is to contribute to the emerging raw materials knowledge infrastructure in Europe (section 1). Stakeholder groups with stakes in raw material intelligence are identified, defined and classified according to a tailored methodology (section 2). The classification of stakeholder groups has the character of a synthesis (section 3), while the definition of stakeholder groups can be used as a stakeholder group manual (section 4), and the context of identification (section 5) provides stakeholder relations around certain raw material intelligence domains. This Stakeholder Report documents the most comprehensive stakeholder mapping in relation to raw material intelligence to support the systematic appraisal of stakeholder needs (Task 2.3) and to inform other Work Packages of the MICA project (section 6).en303600Deliverable D2.1. Stakeholder report: Identification & analysisreport