Bolgaryn, RomanRomanBolgarynBanerjee, GourabGourabBanerjeeCronbach, DennisDennisCronbachDrauz, Simon RubenSimon RubenDrauzLiu, ZhengZhengLiuMajidi, MaryamMaryamMajidiMaschke, HendrikHendrikMaschkeWang, ZhenqiZhenqiWangThurner, LeonLeonThurner2022-09-292022-09-292022 introduce recent developments in the open source Python libraries pandapower and pandapipes. The purpose of pandapower is to provide an easy to use tool for power system analysis and enable a high degree of workflow automation. We describe the recent developments that extend the functionality of pandapower, such as new elements and controllers, as well as the calculation methods for state estimation, distributed slack, short circuit, asymmetric power flow, as well as advanced optimization functions via a new interface to the PowerModels.jl library. Furthermore, we describe the recent progress in the library pandapipes, which provides functionality to simulate pipe networks, such as district heating or gas networks. We demonstrate the new features of pandapipes in an example for transient temperature calculation and showcase the combined application of pandapower and pandapipes to model sector coupling.enanalysisasymmetric power flowautomationfluid system modelinggrid calculationopen sourceoptimizationPandaModelspandapipespandapowerpower system modelingsector couplingshort circuit calculationsimulationstate estimationtransient calculationRecent Developments in Open Source Simulation Software pandapower and pandapipesconference paper