Niekler, AndreasAndreasNieklerBusse, MarkMarkBusseGulde, MatthiasMatthiasGuldeMarkfort, LinoLinoMarkfortHelfer, FelixFelixHelfer2022-03-152022-03-152021 this paper we show the outline of an integration of unstructured data and Robotic Process Automation (RPA) approaches into a chatbot framework. We describe how RPA applications are connected to a chatbot system and show a possible system sketch. Furthermore, we describe the integration of Open Question Answering techniques like DocChat, semantic clustering and the Universal Sentence Encoder in order to acquire direct answers to user questions from documents. From this, we derive a standalone bot framework that we will use in the future for deployment in industrial contexts. For this purpose, we integrate the tools in a user and application-oriented way in the near future.enChatbotconversational interfacenatural language processinginformation retrievalRobotic Process AutomationProviding Language Interfaces with Robotic Process Automation and Text Retrieval for automated integration of applications and unstructured datapaper